Personal Weapons of Mass Destruction

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An extreme course for extreme circumstances!

Sometimes unarmed self-protection skills are insufficient. Sometimes it’s inappropriate or not permitted to be carrying a “weapon.” Sometimes we need to increase our chance of survival. The reality is, criminals and deviants will carry illegal and destructive weapons regardless of what laws or regulations say.

Personal Items For Self Protection will teach you how to use your personal items to totally obliterate your violent attacker. Everyday things in your pockets, wallet, handbag etc. All totally legal to carry, and most people would not even suspect how dangerous they can be. I must caution you though, this course is not a normal self defence course. What you will learn is extremely brutal and only to be used in dire circumstance.

John Wayne Legg has over 30 years experience in studying and instructing different combative systems. He is a certified Close Quarters Combat instructor, holds instructor ranks in other systems, and has studied with some of the worlds’ foremost experts in Reality Based Self Defence. John has trained Military personnel and Security professionals, as well as many members of the local community.

I’m not exaggerating even a little bit when I say, Personal Weapons of Mass Destruction will literally change your life.

You will learn:

  • How to choose the right personal item to use
  • How to use a variety of very different items to cause mass destruction to your attacker
  • Why holding a car key in your fist is the “wrong way,” and really dumb
  • How you can use your ATM card just like a knife (and I don’t mean to spread butter with)
  • The best places to strike your attacker for maximum damage
  • How to make sure your attacker doesn’t even see “it” coming
  • Items you can quickly turn into deadly weapons with only minor alterations
  • Seriously there is just too much stuff to list. Just make sure you attend this course