About Us

The RWC story. Your lead instructors. The numbers. What do our students say.

John Wayne Legg – Founder & Chief Instructor.
Over 35 years experience.

Our Story

RWC is the world's most realistic self protection system. Designed holistically, and focused to deal with everyday threats that you may encounter. RWC is proven to work in a broad range of violent situations, and can be performed by anyone, regardless of age, gender, size or experience.

Your best option is to avoid physical Violence as much as possible. But, if we have to, we finish things quickly and get out of there. Not everybody is accepted as a student to train with us – You are one of a select number!

Meet Your Lead Instructors

Unlike other systems that give out instructor certifications like medals at a "woke" sports competition, we prefer to keep a high standard of quality.
You can be confident that all your RWC instructors must have reached a level of excellence in RWC and have years of experience, rather than a weekend course.

John Wayne Legg

I am a dedicated family man and have firm moral convictions that permeate the REAL WORLD Combat system. Currently based in Melbourne, Australia.
Remember, in a real world violent encounter, THERE ARE NO RULES!

Austin Wragg

Foundaional Levels Instructor (USA). “Student of all practices, dedicated to personal safety, and a firm believer that the only difficult day was yesterday”. I have trained, and taught all over the world, and I’m currently residing in the USA.








Certificates Awarded

What Our Students Have to Say

I'd trained other combatives before starting the RWC-Hybrid Program. The RWC system is a unique system with an innovative approach... some stuff I'd never seen. John provides an easy to follow and understand system that is tactically effective. He is clear and concise in his instruction and keeps the focus on what works under the stress of real world scenarios.
Ross Wilson
Edinburgh, Scotland
"I've always been concerned about personal safety for me and my family but John's RWC system has given me the real world skills to do it properly... The content in the program is down to earth and practical. I work crazy hours and the convenience of being able to train whenever I want to is an awesome bonus. It's also been a massive confidence booster for my son."
Bill Plewis
Melbourne, Australia
“I carry a firearm everyday but more and more of those rights were being taken away. However, the privilege and responsibility of defending myself and my family did not change… I’ve found RWC practical and the no BS approach has made me feel much more confident in situations where I cannot have my firearm… It has been a focus and confidence changer for me and my daughter.”
Timothy Camp
Atlanta Georgia, USA
“As much as I love sport mma I have to admit it is not “real fighting”, in the street there are no rules. John’s Real World Combat system has shown me how to adjust my skills for the street and given me stuff I can teach to my sons and daughters. Plus the psychological aspect alone is of incredible value. Definitely do it, it's a decision you won't regret.”
Kenneth Chavez
Mexicali, Mexico